About Settings
In EuroScope you can specify all files to store the individual settings in. The dialog for this is located in the Other Settings menu.

In the dialog you can specify the files including the paths to the files. You can combine several settings into one file, if you want them to be stored and loaded only in combination.

Settings Files
Those files contain several different kinds of settings. You can open them with a text editor to learn more since there are many parameters, most of them being self explanatory.
You can specify individual files for the following settings:
- Symbology – Here you can find the values from the symbology settings dialog. It describes what colors, sizes, line styles to be used for the map display.
- Ground to air voice channels – You frequencies / voice channels from voice communications setup dialog.
- Login profiles – The login profiles from the connect dialog. It contains the callsign, facility, range and ATIS lines.
- TAG definitions – The user defined TAG families.
- SIL, SEL, DEP, ARR, FP and Conflict list configuration‘ – The definition of the advanced AC lists.
- Plug-in settings – any plugin specific settings.
- General settings – All lines beginning with m_ are the general settings. You can change them via the Quick SET menu or one of the settings dialogs. I suppose the names here are really readable.
- Screen layout – all settings related to the screen layout, which are not stored in the ASR-file.
You can also combine some of those settings into one file, for example you can create a screen layout including lists by using the same file for list configurations and screen layout.
If you have a complete settings file from 3.0 then follow the steps to use them in 3.1:
- Open the Settings file setup dialog box.
- Enter the file name where your settings are into EVERY group.
- Press the LOAD button to load the values into memory.
- Then you can save them to individual files (if you want to), or just keep all your settings in one file.
The Profile Files
The profile files are created to store all installation or workstation dependent information. They are not intending to be moved from one workstation to another as there are full paths, video card size information there too. The profile files are just plane text files (it is quite common for EuroScope) with the extension PRF. You can put them to any place in your workstation.
The good thing about saving these data to a file instead of the registry is that you may have as many configurations as you need. All profiles are completely independent from the others (except if they are referencing to the same files). The name of the profile file can also be used as a command line parameter for EuroScope. In this way you can setup as many shortcuts, desktop icons as you need, and start the right configuration with a double click.
Note: If you are version 2.9a user then you may noticed that several data is stored in the registry:
From version 3.0 all this information is moved to a ”’profile file”’. If you run version 3.0 for the first time while you have saved data in the registry EuroScope will detect and prompt to load the data saved in the registry.

If you accept then it reads the old data from the registry. Be sure to save your newly loaded profile to a file just after loading it from the registry. If you decline then the default values will be used instead.
From this point only the name of the lastly used profile file and two flags (to indicate auto load and auto save of the last profile) are stored in the registry. The rest may be removed.
Going into details about the profile file: As the data here came from the registry, it is structured like the registry entries. First the section name after that the key itself. In the file the following information is stored:
section – It contains data about your last EuroScope session. They are one by one related to the fields in the [[Connection Settings]]. The only exception is the ATIS airport and letter that is used in [[Voice ATIS]] dialog.atis_airport0-3
– the four airports served by voice ATISatis_letter0-3
– the last time used ATIS letters in your airportsatis_url0-3
– the last time used ATIS extractor URLs for your airportsatis_freq0-3
– the last time used ATIS frequencies for your airportsatis2, atis3, atis4
– the text ATIS message lines (numbered from 2, as the first is always your voive channel description)callsign
– the connect callsigncertificate
– your VATSIM IDconnecttype
– a code how you connected last timefacility
– the facility of the last sessionnonvatsim
– indicate that last time you connected to EuroScope FSD serverpassword
– the password entered – Important: your password is stored in this file without any encryption.playback
– the last playback file with full path nameproxyserver
– the name of the proxy server computerrange
– the visual range of the last sessionrating
– your ratingrealname
– your real namescenario
– the last use simulation scenario file with full pathserver
– the lastly connected VATSIM serversimdatapublish
– how to publish the simulation data to the serverSimFolder
– the folder of the last scan for FSX/P3D SimObjects.tovatsim
– Indicates that last time you connected to a VATSIM server
section – It is a simple numbered list of your lastly used ASR files. The files here will be displayed in the SCT menu.Settings
section – In this section there are data about how your environment are set up. What configuration files do be loaded and what hardware elements do you use:aircraft
– full or relative path to the ICAO Aircraft fileairlines
– full or relative path to the ICAO Airlines fileairports
– full or relative path to the ICAO Airports fileairways
– full or relative path to the FSNavigator databasealias
– full or relative path to the alias fileAselKey
– the aircraft select key codeAtisFolder
– full or relative path to the voice ATIS description fileFreqKey
– the primary frequency key codeipaddr
– full or relative path to the VATSIM server descriptor filesector
– the main sector file (as it is from the last session it may be better to put to the Last Session section)SettingsFiles
– full path to the settings files (many installation independent data is stored there)LoadedPlugIns
– full or relative path to the DLL files
section – Full or relative path of the file names used for voice messages. They are not self explanatory, just numbered.
Important note: As you see from the above list, your last session user name and password is in the profile file. And they are there without any encryption. Therefore be very careful and DO NOT give, send, share your profiles to anyone else.
ASR Files
The *.asr
file contain your current Display Dialog settings. It describes what items are to be displayed from the sector file. It also contains some screen dependent settings and the use of [[Professional Radar Simulation]].
Once again without the complete description some notes about the lines inside:
– The path of your current sector file this ASR is used for. When you open an ASR it will look if the sector file is loaded or not. If not then it loads the appropriate one.SECTORTITLE
– Just a quick access to the title to show in the popup list.DisplayTypeName
– The name of the screen type. The default value is ‘Standard ES radar screen‘. Other may be created by the plug-ins.DisplayTypeNeedRadarContent
– It indicates that background SCT file elements are drawn for the screen or not.DisplayTypeGeoReferenced
– It indicates if coordinates are latitude/longitude pairs or just pixels.SHOWC
– (value if 1 if checked or 0 if unchecked) “Show squawk C aircraft” option.SHOWSB
– “Show squawk STBY aircraft” option.BELOW
– xxxxx. The value if you choose not to display aircraft below xxxxx feet altitude (your floor level). Zero indicates no filter at all.ABOVE
– xxxxx. The value if you choose not to display aircraft above xxxxx feet altitude (your ceiling level). Zero indicates no filter at all.LEADER
– The length of the leader line. Positive values are interpreted as NM, negative as MIN.SHOWLEADER
– Indicates if the leader line should be shown as default or not.TURNLEADER
– It indicates a route following leader line.HISTORYDOTS
– The number of history trails appearing for each aircraft.TAGFAMILY
– The name of the tag family used (generally MATIAS (built in)).WINDOWAREA
– param1:param2:param3:param4 – The geographic coordinates in degrees of the bottom left corner and of the top right corner of the scope. It is important that even if you do not change any settings, just zoom in and out and pan, this value is most likely to be updated. In this way it is quite normal that you will be prompted at nearly all ASR close to decide weather to save or cancel the update of the area.SIMULATION_MODE
– The ID of the simulation mode (professional radar, easy radar and the two ground modes).- individual sector file elements – Then follows the list of all your checked items in the display dialog. You can not save the
elements as they can be switched on just for debugging purposes and not for next session display.
Sector Files
Sector files are the files which contain all information about the area you want to control. EuroScope can use the same sector files as ASRC or VRC. There are some places where you should or can modify them.
The first is the Runway section. It is described in the [[Quick Start]] page too. You should modify this to be able to display and use the runway data inside EuroScope.
13L 31R 130 310 N047.26.43.520 E019.15.27.180 N047.25.22.620 E019.17.37.880
Modified to:[RUNWAY]
13L 31R 130 310 N047.26.43.520 E019.15.27.180 N047.25.22.620 E019.17.37.880 LHBP Ferihegy
GEO section
There is another option for the GEO section. In a ASRC/VRC sector file, GEO lines appear like that:N036.58.51.798 E008.51.32.509 N036.58.50.305 E008.51.32.422 white
So in VRC, you can display GEO lines or not but always as a whole. If you load a normal ASRC/VRC sector file in Euroscope, you see that:

You can display GEO lines or not, in the same manner than with VRC. But EuroScope allows us to define sub-categories in GEO lines by adding a category name at the beginning of each normal GEO line like the one below:DTKA airport N036.58.51.798 E008.51.32.509 N036.58.50.305 E008.51.32.422 white
And when all lines have been modified (that’s done very easily with Excel) the Display Dialog appears like that:

So, you can easily filter which kind of GEO lines appears on your screen, and this avoids overwhelming screen with usefulness features.
NOTE: When sector files have been customized for EuroScope, they can’t be used anymore with ASRC or VRC. So, before customizing a sector file for EuroScope, don’t forget to keep an original version for ASRC/VRC users.
In fact the name is only needed in front of the first line of each subsection. For example, the following [GEO]
section works fine:[GEO]
Red triangle N000.00.00.000 E000.00.00.000 N000.00.00.000 E000.00.00.000
N060.00.00.000 E020.00.00.000 N070.00.00.000 E030.00.00.000 redcolor
N070.00.00.000 E030.00.00.000 N060.00.00.000 E030.00.00.000 redcolor
N060.00.00.000 E030.00.00.000 N060.00.00.000 E020.00.00.000 redcolor
Yellow triangle N000.00.00.000 E000.00.00.000 N000.00.00.000 E000.00.00.000
N062.00.00.000 E024.00.00.000 N066.00.00.000 E028.00.00.000 yellowcolor
N066.00.00.000 E028.00.00.000 N062.00.00.000 E028.00.00.000 yellowcolor
N062.00.00.000 E028.00.00.000 N062.00.00.000 E024.00.00.000 yellowcolor
In EuroScope you will get the two triangles selectable in the Display Settings. This section will also work with ASRC and VRC. The ”N000.00.00.000 E000.00.00.000” coordinates in the lines where the names are would not be needed for ES but since both ASRC and VRC seem to disregard those lines completely it’s better to put coordinates in there that aren’t something you want to display.
If you pout the name in front of each line works in ES but it will not work with the other clients. But if you use the above way, then the same SCT file could be used with the other clients without any problems.
The third extension is for the SCT2 files for the very same reason. If you have regions in your SCT2 file then they can only be switched on/off all together. If you would like to use them individually add a new line before the start of a new region:REGIONNAME <the name of the region element>
These lines are simply ignored by VRC and can be used to name you region elements.
Sector File Extension Files
This section is here just to make this page complete. The content of the sector file extension is described in the [[ESE Files Description]] page, and also there is a [[Tutorial]] about how to build an ESE file from scratch.
Runway Files
The runway files are saved along the SCT files, with the same names and the RWY extensions. They are also TEXT files. There you can find information about the active airports and runways of your last session when the SCT file was used as main sector file.
There are two different kind of lines here:
– It describes if an airport was active in the last session. The last 0/1 digit means if it was active for departure (1) or arrival (0).ACTIVE_RUNWAY
– The same for runways. It describes if a RWY of an airport was active in the last session. Of course here you also have the airport name and the final number means the same.
Server files
The standard file for the server addresses is ipaddr.txt
. The ipaddr.txt
file will be overwritten after successful data download without further notification. Put all your local definitions to the myipaddr.txt
file. The SweatBox server is always added automatically.