The Voice Communication Setup Dialog
All settings related to voice communication can be setup using the following dialog:
The main part of the dialog is the list on top. Every line here describes one ground-to-air voice connection and also its status. The left two columns (Name and Frequency) are the description part, while there are three check boxes on the right (Prim, RCV TXT, XMT TXT) that can be used to indicate and to modify the actual status of the voice connection.
Note that since v3.2.2 the ATIS connection data is moved away from this dialog to the Voice ATIS dialog.
When you select an item from the list its detailed information will be displayed in the controls below, where you can modify them. By clicking on the check boxes you can change the actual status.
Important: This dialog box never saves its modifications automatically. You must do an explicit ”Save all settings” or save the settings when closing EuroScope and when asked for confirmation to save the voice setup data.
Dialog Controls
- Name – In this text box the actual name of the ground-to-air connection is displayed and can be modified. The name is just a symbolic name and not used for anything, but for user information. Therefore, you can enter freely any arbitrary text like “Budapest Radar” or “Ferihegy Tower“.
- Frequency – Here you can define the associated radio frequency. The value entered here will be sent to the network if the definition is selected as primary frequency.
- New button – By pressing this button you can create a new entry to the ground-to-air communication list. All the data will come from the edit controls, therefore they must be filled in.
- Modify button – With this button you can change the description of one communication line. You can not update a communication line if that line is active, i.e. any of the check boxes are marked.
- Delete button – It is used to delete one line from the table. Just like the Modify button, you cannot delete a communication line that is active.
- Close – It closes the dialog.
The Check Boxes
In the top area there is a list control with all the ground-to-air communication definitions. Every line contains six check boxes that let you manage the status of your text and voice connections.
- Prim – as Primary frequency – By clicking any of the check-boxes in this row will select your primary frequency. This frequency along with the voice channel definition will be published via the network so pilots will be able to find your text and voice channels.
- RCV TXT – Receive text messages – By checking it you will receive text messages from this frequency. You can not switch it off for the primary frequency. Important: When you are connecting to VATSIM via a proxy in the secondary client you should set up the text receive in each client as they are independent from each other.
- XMT TXT – Transmit text messages – Your text messages will be sent to all frequencies that are checked. You can not switch it off for the primary frequency.
Some notes:
- When you select your primary frequency the text send and receive check boxes are set automatically and you can not deselect them as long as this is the primary frequency. You can select another primary frequency by just clicking it, and the old primary frequency check mark will be removed. You can also deselect your current primary frequency by clicking on the check box again. This will not deselect the text send and receive flags, but now you can deselect them manually.
- The primary frequency description line is highlighted in yellow, even when not selected.
- If you select your primary frequency when offline then EuroScope will assume that you are logged in with the name of that communication line and with its frequency. Thereby all sectors associated to that position will be assigned to you and you can see the offline simulated traffic arrival estimates.