Sector Ownership Setup Dialog

Using this dialog one can change how the sector allocation works. In the main list there are the sectors defined in the ESE file. The first column is the sector name, the second is the ownership rule name while the last is the callsign of the actual owner (this is the situation of the dialog open moment and is not updated while the dialog is opened).

The most important idea one can change here is the ownership rule. That drives EuroScope how it allocates the sectors to the controllers. Each sector can have one of the following three roles for allocation:

  • Default – The default role. In this case the #OWNER# line of the sector definition defines the hierarchy of the controllers. The first controller in the list will own the sector.
  • An alternate ownership name – If there are alternate ownership rules in the ESE file then it can be defined for every sector. It works the very same way as ”Default” except that it uses an alternate ownership hierarchy. If the selected alternate name is not defined for a sector then the Default will be used instead.
  • A position – It is also possible to assign a sector directly to a controller. In this case if the controller is online he/she will own the sector but if off line there will be no alternate owner.

The controls can be used as follows:

  • Sector list – It displays the actual assignment. One can select one or more sectors from the list. The combo box bellow will follow the ownership name of the selected sectors. If different rules are assigned then there will be no selection there.
  • Change ownership combo – Using this combo it is possible to change the ownership role. The combo box contains the Default, the Alternate role names and after them all Position definitions from the ESE file. The selected value will be assigned to all sectors.
  • Select all – To select all sectors from the list.
  • Select none – To deselect all sectors from the list.
  • Save – Using this button you can save the ownership setup to a text file. This file can be published (e.g. for a flyin) and reloaded later.
  • Load – To load a previously saved configuration.