The step by step instructions are available in the [[Installation]] page.
If You Have a Previous Release Installed
All versions after version 3.0 save all relevant data in individual files as opposed to the registry. The different settings are split into categories and may be saved in one or several setting files (.txt format) depending on your preferences. This enables you to use the same settings in multiple profiles on your computer. Ensure you read Where Are My Settings Saved for a more complete overview.
What You See
- Profile file selection – When you start EuroScope for the first time it will ask for the profile file to be used. Use the one for Hungarian Matias if you do not have any other or simply cancel it for an empty one. If you do not select profile file or your profile does not have a reference to a sectorfile then your radar screen will be completely empy. In that case load the sectorfile manually. Any ASRC or VRC SCT or SCT2 file can be used.
- Radar screen configuration – Normally EuroScope saves your display settings to files with *.ASR extensions. When you start EuroScope it will load the last opened *.ASR file. But if you start it for the first time then obviously no such file exists. In this case the default settings will be applied to your first screen. It will contain only the VOR symbols, airport names, high airway lines and ARTCC boundaries. Be sure to open the Display Settings dialog to switch on and off the individual items, modify the radar layout to your taste and save it into an .ASR file for your next session. If yo do not like the default coloring or line styles just go to the Symbology Settings dialog and change.
- VATSIM servers data – In the bottom message are you can see that EuroScope collects data about the available servers in VATSIM. Every time you start EuroScope a random server will be selected to serve as server data feed and as statistical data feed.
- VATSIM statistics data – As you start EuroScope just wait for 10-30 seconds. After that period of time the radar screen comes alive and displays controllers and aircraft just as if you were connected and online. That is because EuroScope incorporates with VATSIM statistics data. It downloads data about the online members and starts simulating them while you are offline. But in this state you can start analyzing the traffic, see who is online, what is next on VATSIM.
Tip: Open Voice Communication Setup and select any position as primary frequency. The radar screen will be displayed as if you were online with that callsign of the voice connection name and frequency.
What You Hear
All voice related functions are now removed from EuroScope. You should use Audio for VATSIM for voice communications.
How To Use Existing Sector And Position Files
To be able to use all of the features of EuroScope one has to create a sector file extension. This can be real hard work and needs special knowledge of the area you are controlling within. The ESE files should be created by the appropriate staff members of your FIR.
But to be able to start quickly you should do the following modifications:
Edit the runway section in the .SCT file. Add the airport name or code to the end of each line.
13L 31R 130 310 N047.26.43.520 E019.15.27.180 N047.25.22.620 E019.17.37.880
Modified to:[RUNWAY]
13L 31R 130 310 N047.26.43.520 E019.15.27.180 N047.25.22.620 E019.17.37.880 LHBP Ferihegy
To use your POF file simply rename it to the same name as your SCT file with the extension ESE (eg. You have myfir.sct and mypos.pof then rename the mypos.pof to myfir.ese ). Then add a new line to the beginning of the file:[POSITIONS]
In this way you will be able to use both the sector and the position file without hard modification.