Command Line Functions

In alphabetical order.

  • .am – This command opens the flightplan amendment dialog of an aircraft.
  .am <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .am <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  .am <aircraft callsign>
  • .antennaoff – This command disables one RADAR station.
  .antennaoff <the name of the RADAR station>
  • .antennaon – This command enables one RADAR station.
  .antennaon <the name of the RADAR station>
  • .atis – This function asks the ATIS information of a specified controller. The answer will come as private chat message. If no controller is specified then it wall send the query to the controller who’s chat window is active.
  .atis [<controller callsign>]
  • .break – Request for relief. It changes the status of the controller to
  • .busy – Signal that you are really to busy for private chats. In EuroScope there is only a one level simple busy status. When set the followings are changed:
    • No sounds for ATC messages,
    • No sounds for Broadcast messages,
    • An automatic Sorry but I am busy, I may not read your message answer for all incoming private messages. And no sounds for them.
  • .callsign – This function allows you to change the ICAO_Airlines.txt file from EuroScope. Enter the name of the airliner then click on the TAG. EuroScope will replace the original entry in the file. Note: when you download a newer version of the ICAO_Airlines.txt your changes will be lost.
  .callsign <airline name> <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .callsign <airline name> <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .center – It moves the center of the view to the selected location. Location can be any object: VOR, NDB, fix, airport, controller callsign (in that case the center of the visibility area is used) or an aircraft callsign. Sending the command without parameter will go back to the original center position (the one before the previous .center command).
  .center <any object name>
  • .chat – It opens a chat window to a specified controller or pilot.
  .chat <controller or pilot callsign> [<callsign2>] [<callsign3>] ...
  .chat <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .chat <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .contactme (available via the HOME button if command line is empty) – This command sends the Please contact me on XXX.XXX private message to the selected aircraft.
  .contactme <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .contactme <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

This command can be executed by pressing the HOME key when the command line is empty and the mouse is over an opened TAG and therefore the detailed TAG is visible. In this case it is executed immediately no ENTER or click on TAG is required.

  • .correlate – The command correlates a radar target with an flight plan.
  .correlate <radar target ID> <FP callsign>
  .correlate <FP callsign> <radar target ID>
  .correlate <radar target ID> <click on FP track>
  .correlate <FP callsign> <click on radar target>
  • .dcenter – Use this command to override the default latitude/longitude aspect ratio center. As default EuroScope calculates the length of one degree at the position defined in the sectorfile then uses it everywhere. That could be quite incorrect if you are too far from the equator. By defining another point you can change the center point of the display.
  .dcenter <object>

Where object can be anything: vor, ndb, fix or coordinate. The coordinate can be defined by clicking in an empty place by mouse.

  • .distance (available as toolbar icon) – The distance command shows distance between two objects or points on the radar screen. When this command is active then pressing the mouse button on a TAG or on an AC in the list its callsign goes to the command line as parameter. If you click to a position where nothing can be found than the coordinates are copied to the command line. If the first parameter is specified then moving the mouse displays the distance data from the selected point to the cursor. If the first selected object is an aircraft and the second is not then the distance and the time needed for the distance will be displayed. Otherwise only the distance.
  .distance <object1> <object2>
  .distance <object1> <angle>/<distance>

Where object can be anything: aircraft, VOR, NDB, fix or coordinate. In the second place not only an object but an angle/distance pair also can be entered. In this case it will be calculated as relative to the first.
The distance data is also displayed on top of the screen. To remove a distance line make a doubleclick on this text line.

  • .distance2 – The same as before but displays the heading data too.
  • .est – Estimate a position for a flight plan track.
  .est <point name> <time (4 chars in ZULU)> <click on FP>
  • .find – Using this command you can find an aircraft on the radar screen. It draws a wide white line from the center of the radar screen to the aircraft specified as parameter. The line remains on the screen for 5 seconds.
  .find <aircraft callsign>
  .find <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .find <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .findac – A supervisory only command. It collects valuable information about the client.
  .findac <aircraft callsign>
  • .ff, .fn, .fv, .fa, .fc, .fw – These commands are changing the display settings from the command line. The commands changes the display of the following element types (in the same order): FIX, NDB, VOR, Airport, Low airways, High airways.
    All works in a way that looks for all the parameter names, tests if any of the components are displayed or not. If any is displayed then the command hides them, otherwise it displays some of them. The following components are tested and displayed using this command:
    • FIX symbol and name,
    • NDB symbol, name and frequency,
    • VOR symbol, name and frequency,
    • Airport symbol and name,
    • Airways name and line.
  • .fpquery – A supervisor only command. It sends an information request to the servers to query the controller who modified the flight plan of the selected aircraft. The answer will come back as message to the “server” chat window. The command needs a selected aircraft.
  .fpquery <aircraft callsign>
  .fpquery <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .fpquery <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .fpsep (available as toolbar icon) – Same as .sep, but it displays the flight plan separation tool. In v3.2 this tool can show the distance and time to the first common points. Then shows the closest points too.
  .sep <aircraft1> <aircraft2>
  • .getfp – It sends a request to the server to retrieve the flight plan of the selected aircraft. Use it if somehow you feel that the FP is not updated correctly.
  .getfp <aircraft callsign>
  .getfp <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .getfp <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .hl – You can control the Holding List Plugin using the command line.
    • .hl show – to show the holding list
    • .hl hide – to hide the holding list
    • .hl add – to add a plane to the list
    • .hl del – to remove the plane from the list
    • .hl wait – to add a timer that counts down from to 0.
  • .inf – It sends an information request to the selected controller or aircraft. The answer will come back as private message.
  .inf <controller or aircraft callsign>
  .inf <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .inf <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .kill – A supervisor only command. It sends sends a disconnect message to the selected controller or aircraft and disconnects him/her from the network immediately.
  .kill <controller or aircraft callsign> [<a free text reason message>]

If the .kill message is active then clicking on a TAG will copy the callsign to the command line but never executes the command automatically. Only an explicit ENTER will do that.

  • .metar – It opens the METAR selection dialog in the simulation session.
  • .msg – It sends a private message to the selected pilot or controller.
  .msg <controller or aircraft callsign> <free text>
  • .nobreak – Request for relief is withdrawn. It changes the status of the controller back to normal.
  • .nobusy – It clears the busy status.
  • .novis – It clears the visibility centers and sets only the default one. Note: It is not an immediate function as there is no way the call back you visibility centers from the server. It must be timed out. In that way it takes about 1-2 minutes to stop receiving position updates from the cleared area.
  • .point – To pointout and aircraft to a controller. When an aircraft is pointed to you it is displayed in the AC list with an arrow then the name of the controller who pointed out the aircraft.
  .point <controller ID> <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .point <controller ID> <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .qb (available by pressing F9) – It sets the squawk code (manually or automatically) or the communication type of an aircraft. If no additional parameter then an automatic squawk value is assigned. The available squawk range is coming from the POSITION definition part of the ESE file (see [[ESE Files Description]]). If a 4 letter valid squawk is specified, than that value will be assigned. If V, R or T letter is defined that it sets the communication type to voice, receive only or text respectively.
  .qb <V or R or T> <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qb <V or R or T> <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  .qb [<valid squawk>] <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qb [<valid squawk>] <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .qd (available by pressing F2) – It toggles the display of the metar of the specified stations.
  .qd <station1> [<station2>] [<station3>] ...
  • .qq v/i/1/2 – It allows you to set the approach flag by text.
    • v or 2 for visual approach
    • i or 1 for instrument approach
  .qq <v or i or 1 or 2> <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qq <v or i or 1 or 2> <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .qs (available by pressing the INS key) – It sets or clears the scratch pad text of an aircraft. If no text is specified then it clears the previously set value. In EuroScope there is no limit for the length of the scratch pad message (but probably your TAG will look like awful). But only the first 5 characters of the text will be published to the servers and to the neighbor controllers. There is also a trick in EuroScope that if the scratch pad text is a waypoint name along the route (from 2.8h any named point not only from route) then it will change the calculated track of the aircraft as the next point is the specified. The display of such scratch pad message is in the heading (AHDG) indicator in the TAG.
  .qs [<free text or waypoint name>] <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qs [<free text or waypoint name>] <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .qt (available by pressing F3) – It accepts handoff initiated to me or starts tracking an untracked aircraft.
  .qt <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qt <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

This command can be executed by pressing the F3 key when the mouse is over an opened TAG and therefore the detailed TAG is visible. In this case it is executed immediately no ENTER or click on TAG is required.

  • .qu (available by pressing Shift+F6) – It simply deletes all displayed route line. It is an easy way to switch off all airplane route display if you have shown too many.
  • .qq (available by pressing F8) – This function changes the temporary altitude of an aircraft. If no altitude data is specified then it clears the previously set temporary altitude.
  .qq [<altitude in 100 feets>] <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qq [<altitude in 100 feets>] <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .quit – This function leaves the system.
  • .qx (available by pressing F4) – It is used to drop track or initiate handoff to the next controller. Important that a simple .qx without any additional parameter will drop the target as in ASRC but initiates a handoff to the next controller defined by the sectors and the logged in controllers. If you would like to handoff the aircraft to a specific controller then type the short (normally two letter) ID before defining the aircraft. If an aircraft is displayed as tracked by someone but assumed that it is false type a /ok after .qx. In this way EuroScope will clear the owner flag of the aircraft and asks the system if someone is tracking it. If it is so then it wil return to tracked state in a second.
  .qx [/ok] [<controller id>] <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qx [/ok] [<controller id>] <ASEL to use selected aircraft>

This command can be executed by pressing the F4 key when the mouse is over an opened TAG and therefore the detailed TAG is visible. In this case it is executed immediately no ENTER or click on TAG is required.

  • .qy (available by pressing Shift+F4) – It is used to drop track of the aircraft.
  .qy <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qy <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .qz (available by pressing F5) – This function changes the final altitude of an aircraft. ”’Important”’ that it does not change the flight plan, just assigns a final altitude.
  .qz <altitude in 100 feets> <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .qz <altitude in 100 feets> <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .rcenter – Use this command to override the default range center position. The range position is claculated in EuroScope as follows: The default value is the one defined in the sectorfile. But if the login name first four letters match any airport name from the sectorfile, then the airport will be the center of the visible range (this way TWR positions with small range values will surely see what they need). By defining another point you can change the center of your visual range anytime. EuroScope needs some 10-15 seconds to publish the position and to update the visible elements.
  .rcenter <object>

Where object can be anything: VOR, NDB, fix or coordinate. The coordinate can be defined by clicking in an empty place by mouse.

  • .rings – It draws range rings on the screen
  .rings <centerpoint> <spacing> [<number>]

Where centerpoint is the point on which the rings are centered. It can be a VOR, NDB, fix, airport code, aircraft callsign or coordinate (latitude,longitude). Spacing is the distance between adjacent rings and number (optional) is the number of rings. If not specified, 10 rings are drawn. The command .rings without any other parameters removes the range rings from display.

  • .seeall – A supervisor only command. It opens up all TAGs. Be careful! It just changes the display of the TAGs to be the same as they were up. But it is only a display setting, and the TAGs remain down. You will see that moving the mouse over a TAG like tis will not get the detailed TAG.
  • .selcal – It sends a SELCAL call for the selected aircraft. You may enter code manually or allow EuroScope to detect it from the flight plan remark section. When manually entered then no - can be entered, just the four letters without separators. When the code is not explicitly specified then the remarks field is scanned for SEL or SELCAL strings and extracts the code from the following letters. If EuroScope fails then an error message is displayed.
  .selcal [<CODE>] <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .selcal [<CODE>] <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .sep (available as toolbar icon) – It displays the separation tool between two aircraft. This function calculates the closest point of two converging aircraft current path. It displays the minimum distance and the time they need to reach that point. If the paths become diverging then the display shuts down automatically. The separation data is also displayed on top of the screen and can be switched off by a doubleclick on that line.
  .sep <aircraft1> <aircraft2>
  • .simtime – Using this command yo may manipulate the simulator time. It can be executed after the session is started. The time is also published to all clients as well as to the P3D connections. The command itself can be used only with local FSD server and disabled on SweatBox.
    The date and time format is YYYYMMDDHHMI (where HH is 24 hours format).
.simtime 202007211955
  • .sline – The most useful command for an ese file developer. It collects successive geographic coordinate points in the clipboard in a ready to be pasted form in an ese file. To use it, type .sline in the command bar and Enter. Then LEFT click on every point you want to be included in your definition. When you have finished collecting points, just RIGHT click to end the command. You can now paste your resulting data everywhere you need to. The data are formatted in a correct manner for direct insertion as COORD points.
  • .sline2 – The same as above, but it saves the points in the format used in the SCT file.
  • .showantenna – It displays defined RADAR stations and range rings.
  • .showvis – It displays the current visibility centers and radiuses. Using it you can visualize the are of you range.
  • .ss (available wia right click on the flight strip) – Push flight strip annotation. It sends the flight strip annotation to another controller. When you initiate a handoff it will be done automatically, you do not need to use this command.
  .ss <controller ID> <click on a TAG or AC in the list>
  .ss <controller ID> <ASEL to use selected aircraft>
  • .vis, .vis1, .vis2, .vis3, .vis4 – These commands set the multiple visibility centers of the current session. The .vis command may have 1-4 parameters to set all visibility centers in one command. The others may have only one.
  .vis <center definition> [<center definition> [<center definition> [<center definition>]]]
  .vis1 <center definition>
  .vis2 <center definition>
  .vis3 <center definition>
  .vis4 <center definition>

The center definition can be one of the following:

  • A comma separated latitude longitude pair.
  • An aircraft callsign.
  • VOR, NDB, FIX or airport name.
  • Click on the position on the screen.
  • .x – It closes the active chat.
  • .wait – It adds a new entry to the wait or TODO list. The short message will be displayed on top of the screen with the callsign of the selected aircraft. The long message is optional and will be displayed in the status line if you click on the short message. To delete an item from the list just doubleclick it.
  .wait <short message> [<long message>] <click on aircraft>
  • .wall – A supervisor only command. It sends a broadcast message.
  .wall <a free text message>
  • .wallop – This function sends a message to all supervisors.
  .wallop <a free text message>