The Controller List

This floating bar can be set on any position on screen at user discretion. It displays some information about the controllers in the area of your center.

The top bar allows you to filter which controller positions are displayed on screen by clicking on the buttons located in left part of the floating bar.

  • F – Displays FSS stations on line (Flight Service Stations).
  • C – Displays CTR stations on line (Center positions).
  • A – Displays APP stations on line (Approach positions).
  • T – Displays TWR stations on line (Tower positions).
  • G – Displays GND stations on line (Ground positions).
  • S – Displays ATIS stations on line (ATIS positions).
  • O – Displays OBS stations on line (Observers positions).
  • U – Displays unidentified stations on line (Non identified positions).
  • * – Displays proxy users.

For each position, the following items are displayed in the Controller list:

  • Ground to ground communication status
  • Ongoing coordination flag indicating that the controller uses radar client that is ready for ongoing coordination.
  • The position identifier as defined in the ese file.
  • The complete callsign.

The color of the controller means:

  • yellow – normally
  • pink – when leaving shortly
  • white – when no position update in the last 30 seconds and they are assumed to be disconnected.

With a left single click on any position in the list a detailed data is copied to the message area. With a doubleclick you can open a chat window with the controller.

With a right click a special popup menu appears that shows the following items:

  • Listen to frequency – using this item a normal voice connection to the controller’s frequency is added to the voice dialog, where only voice receiving is selected. In addition you can set transmission manually.
  • Leave frequency – to quickly disconnect from the controllers main frequency channel
  • Get ATIS – this item calls for the actual ATIS of the controller, the answer will be shown as private message in the chat area,
  • Intercom – it starts a bilateral communication, where your secondary input and output hardware are used (for transmission use your secondary PTT)
  • Override – for the caller it works exactly like an intercom call (transmits on the secondary output device, with the secondary PTT), for the receiving unit voice comes on his secondary output, to transmit there is no need to press the PTT secondary voice input and the communication on the primary frequency is transmitted to the other party.
  • Monitor – listen to the selected controller’s frequency, without having the opportunity to transmit on the frequency
  • Accept – to accept an external ground-to-ground communication call
  • Refuse – to refuse an external ground-to-ground communication call
  • Disconnect – to close the active landline connection

Note: In the lights of the new voice codec, these functions may not be available for a while.

The Aircraft List

This floating bar displays the aircraft which are relevant for your position active position. Both the in range and the simulated planes are here. Each line is colored depending on the aircraft state, according to the definition in the data block settings in symbology dialog. A left click on a line selects the aircraft – it can be used as a click on the TAG itself, right click opens the flight plan editor.

  • The first item is the aircraft callsign. With a handoff request in progress, a left click opens the handoff popup menu.
  • The second item can either be an A, D or <<.
    A – indicates the aircraft is an arrival for one of the users active airports.
    D – indicates the same for departures.
    >> – indicates the aircraft’s destination is outside your sector and the aircraft is going to leave or enter your sector.
  • The third item is the aircraft departure or destination airport.
  • The fourth item depends on the aircraft state. For departures it is the assigned squawk, for arrivals it is the distance remaining to the destination airport. When the user is working an active sector which the aircraft is going to enter, it is changed to the time left until entering the sector.

The list can be filtered by the header left letters:

  • A – is for arrival planes,
  • D – is for departures,
  • O – is for overflights,
  • T – is for tracked planes.

The Metar List

This floating bar displays the METAR stations requested by the controller.
The user requests a METAR by typing the [F2] function key or by typing .QD then the ICAO code of the requested station. It appears in orange color in the menu bar and in the METAR floating bar in short METAR format.

  • Short format line: DAAG VRB03KT Q1029
  • Long format line: DAAG 101030Z VRB03KT 9999 FEW020 14/04 Q1029

If the user clicks on an orange METAR, the change of the METAR is acknowledged, the color changes from orange to blue and it is displayed in long METAR format in the right side of the command line. Using the C button on top left of the floating bar, the user can acknowledge all METAR changes with one click.

Via Quick Settings You can add the current ATIS letter to the METAR lines.

The ATIS letter handling is completely rewritten in v3.2.8.0. This was a breaking change. Therefore it might happen that prior version of EuroScope does not 100% compatible with the ATIS letter propagation.

v3.2.8.0 uses the following rules:

  • Only _ATIS callsigns are expected to provide ATIS letter.
  • If no _ATIS controller is online for an airport, then no ATIS letter is displayed at all.
  • If there are more than one _ATIS controller online for an airport, then a comma separated list of ATIS letters are displayed. In from of the ATIS letter the _ATIS controller designator letter also displayed. The above image is created when the following controllers were online:
  • Actual ATIS letter is extracted from querying ATIS information from _ATIS controllers. The ATIS info is queried automatically when a controller comes online.
  • ATIS letter change is propagated via the $NEWATIS packet only. Because of that all clients that does not handle this packet (including EuroScope prior this version) will not update ATIS letter on change.