Active Airports / Runways
Here you may select which airports are under your control, thus what flights should be listed in the aircraft and departure list. You can activate arrival and departure funcionality for each airport separately. In the aircraft list, every arrival or departing flights will be displayed in addition to aircrafts concerned by your sector. If defined in the ESE file’s sector definitions, active airports will be set automatically dependent on the sectors under your control.
You can also set the runways in use regardless of the active airports. The active runways are relevant for the SID and STAR prediction, and optional also for the display of extended centerlines and the calculation of COPX points.
Optional the active airports with runways assigned can be automatically added to the metar list.

- To make an airport active click on the first two boxed columns next to the airport name. In this example only LHBP and LHDC are selected (both DEP and ARR)
- To select the active departure and arrival runways click the DEP and ARR columns for the given runway. In this example departure runways 13L and 13R and arrival runway 13R are selected for LHBP. In addition to that, for LHDC runway 05R is selected to allow Euroscope the calculation of the correct COPX points.
- You can reduce the list to show only the active airports.