New features

  • Integration with Sentry. From this version you do not have to send me the crash dump information. They will automatically land in my e-mail box with all relevant information about it. You should have a folder with data at “c:\Users\…\AppData\Roaming\EuroScope.sentry-native\” after successful LOG.
  • METAR is get using and not the FSD server.
  • ATIS letter handling is completely rewritten. Check the The Metar List chapter at
  • Auto ATIS flag is saved.
  • ATIS URL can be edited while ATIS controller is connected.
  • Controller simulation and AUTO accept is moved to the simulator toolbar. The old simulator dialog is deleted.
  • List header and toolbar font size can be modified in symbology settings.
  • Only observers can not connect as ATIS.
  • HALFTONE bitmap stretch during zooming for a better looking map.
  • Force SUP private message to arrive (even if busy).

Bug fixes

  • Controller search in functions such $radioname worked case sensitive. Now it is changed back to case insensitive.
  • VATSIM token authentication is renewed every time EuroScope tries to make any connection (ATIS, reconnect, shift change).
  • Simulation transfer did not fill up the controllers list.
  • TAG item coloring on final altitude is fixed.
  • Screen was not updated immediately after ASR change.
  • Crash on too short route fixed.
  • ESC to deselect active AC did not work.
